These tables count only lexemes for which at least one of the following properties was added or removed during the challenges: item for this sense (P5137), predicate for (P9970), demonym of (P6271).

Most improved languages during challenges

Pos.LanguageLexemes linkedLexemes unlinkedLexemes improvedCompletion
1.German+1107-81115911 / 946
2.Spanish+1064-141078904 / 946
3.Russian+998-81006790 / 946
4.Breton+790-1791651 / 946
5.French+698-4702944 / 946
6.Southern Min+582582495 / 946
7.Punjabi+545-1546363 / 946
8.Danish+400-4404816 / 946
9.Japanese+400400437 / 946
10.Croatian+381381277 / 946
11.Nynorsk+337337475 / 946
12.Bokmål+296-3299820 / 946
13.Esperanto+299299363 / 946
14.Klingon+289-1290322 / 946
15.English+197-26223883 / 946
16.Swedish+181-1182601 / 946
17.Latin+129129188 / 946
18.Czech+108-2110337 / 946
19.Hindustani+93-194167 / 946
20.Turkish+838388 / 946

Most complete languages at the end of challenges

Pos.LanguageLexemes linkedLexemes unlinkedLexemes improvedCompletion
1.French+698-4702944 / 946
2.German+1107-81115911 / 946
3.Spanish+1064-141078904 / 946
4.English+197-26223883 / 946
5.Bokmål+296-3299820 / 946
6.Danish+400-4404816 / 946
7.Russian+998-81006790 / 946
8.Breton+790-1791651 / 946
9.Swedish+181-1182601 / 946
10.Southern Min+582582495 / 946
11.Nynorsk+337337475 / 946
12.Hebrew+1515453 / 946
13.Malayalam+2222444 / 946
14.Japanese+400400437 / 946
15.Punjabi+545-1546363 / 946
16.Esperanto+299299363 / 946
17.Czech+108-2110337 / 946
18.Klingon+289-1290322 / 946
19.Portuguese+1212301 / 946
20.Croatian+381381277 / 946