This tool compares properties of two Wikidata items. It is only a proof of concept and does not handle qualifiers nor references.

PropertyThomas A Angelo (Q93168500)Thomas A Angelo (Q112420798)
sex or gendermale
instance ofhuman
educated atHarvard Graduate School of Education
employerUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
VIAF ID96937400
GND ID1045589950
Library of Congress authority IDn92097025
IdRef ID115549900
NACSIS-CAT author IDDA07592724
ORCID iD0000-0003-2155-3897
date of birth+1954-00-00T00:00:00Z/9@
NL CR AUT IDvse2009515606
family nameAngelo
given nameThomas
described at URL
Scopus author ID36833411500
NUKAT IDn02724773
Google Scholar author IDZftNDJUAAAAJ
National Library of Israel J9U ID987007451187105171
CiNii Research ID1140563741810427648
