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PropertyBagher Larijani (Q89771749)Bagher Larijani (Q4841852)
imageBagher Larijani 01.jpg
place of birthAmol
sex or gendermale
fatherHashem Amoli
country of citizenshipIran
instance ofhuman
educated atTehran University of Medical Sciences
employerTehran University of Medical SciencesIslamic Azad University
VIAF ID81151776786018011931
GND ID1261017102
IdRef ID224280570
Commons categoryBagher Larijani
ORCID iD0000-0001-5386-7597
date of birth+1961-05-05T00:00:00Z/11@
Freebase ID/m/07k9t32
family nameLarijani
given nameBagher
Google Scholar author IDQ28N5xoAAAAJ
siblingSadeq Larijani
PLWABN ID9810685848205606
WorldCat Identities ID (superseded)viaf-81151776786018011931
