This tool compares properties of two Wikidata items. It is only a proof of concept and does not handle qualifiers nor references.

PropertyWei Shi (Q79970966)Wei Shi (Q46410049)
sex or gendermale
instance ofhuman
educated atWuhan UniversityNankai University
employerHuazhong Agricultural UniversityNankai University
VIAF ID120439022
GND ID1117095223
IdRef ID196683378
ORCID iD0000-0002-7065-46540000-0001-6130-1227
family nameShi
given nameWei
official website
Google Scholar author IDzp2Zx24AAAAJ
ResearchGate profile IDWei-Shi-107Wei-Shi-11
Publons author ID1434859
WorldCat Identities ID (superseded)viaf-120439022
