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PropertyMax William Mill Saunders (Q58306088)Max Saunders (Q84744334)
imageProfessor Max Saunders.jpg
sex or gendermale
country of citizenshipUnited Kingdom
instance ofhuman
educated atHarvard University
Queens' College
employerKing's College London
University of Birmingham
VIAF ID17360192
GND ID142621501
Library of Congress authority IDn95026321
IdRef ID035092394
Commons categoryMax Saunders
SBN author IDMILV177834
ORCID iD0000-0003-1199-2052
date of birth+1957-06-24T00:00:00Z/11@
Freebase ID/m/0c375n8
NL CR AUT IDjx20110908019
family nameSaunders
given nameMax
official website
National Library of Israel ID (old)002306289
Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID148927947
NORAF ID90920060
Scopus author ID26033691700
NUKAT IDn2004052768
languages spoken, written or signedEnglish
SHARE Catalogue author ID221508
Dimensions author ID07466357747.50
PLWABN ID9810665213905606
WorldCat Identities ID (superseded)lccn-n95026321
National Library of Israel J9U ID987007445383905171
LiederNet composer ID18640
Springer Nature person ID07466357747.50
KBR person ID14322050
