This tool compares properties of two Wikidata items. It is only a proof of concept and does not handle qualifiers nor references.

PropertyStefano Cagnoni (Q56812844)Stefano Cagnoni (Q112433360)
sex or gendermale
instance ofhuman
computer scientist
employerUniversity of Parma
VIAF ID116976885
GND ID121869768
Library of Congress authority IDn00003626
IdRef ID103583432
NACSIS-CAT author IDDA12621945
ORCID iD0000-0003-4669-512X
date of birth+1961-00-00T00:00:00Z/9@
NL CR AUT IDmub2010604446
family nameCagnoni
given nameStefano
official website
Scopus author ID6701569818
NUKAT IDn2011075140
zbMATH author IDcagnoni.stefano
Google Scholar author IDNNC4BZ4AAAAJ
DBLP author ID86/298
Loop ID84072
maintained by WikiProjectWikiProject Mathematics
Dimensions author ID013325270267.04
National Library of Israel J9U ID987007449913905171
IRIS UNIPR author ID02942
CiNii Research ID1140845216545137024
