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PropertyPatrick Salmon (Q50284351)Patrick Salmon (Q7147583)
sex or gendermale
instance ofhuman
employerUniversity of California, Berkeley
Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris
Medicine faculty of Geneva University
Armed Forces Biomedical Research Institute
Newcastle University
doctoral advisorDavid Klatzmann
André Vitalis
VIAF ID112231435
GND ID139775404
Library of Congress authority IDn91013355
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID12316015n
IdRef ID032057431032057431
NACSIS-CAT author IDDA06113305
member ofNorwegian Academy of Science and Letters
ORCID iD0000-0002-1993-4984
date of birth+1952-01-01T00:00:00Z/9@
Freebase ID/m/0gfjcyz
NL CR AUT IDjn20000604776
family nameSalmon
given namePatrick
official website
National Library of Spain IDXX1355780
Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID090973194
NORAF ID90580506
NUKAT IDn94002136
CONOR.SI ID147669091
National Library of Latvia ID000017997
languages spoken, written or signedEnglish
ResearchGate profile IDPatrick-Salmon-2
Unz Review author IDSalmonPatrick
RERO ID (obsolete)02-A027508752
Prabook ID2174969
BNB person IDSalmonPatrick1952-
Dimensions author ID01160576004.21
writing languageEnglish
PLWABN ID9810534580005606
National Library of Lithuania IDLNB:V*30743;=BD
WorldCat Identities ID (superseded)lccn-n91013355
Canadiana Name Authority IDncf11348165
National Library of Israel J9U ID987007429425305171
SNSF person ID111596
Archive ouverte UNIGE ID497
UOM ID83617
KBR person ID14057506
CiNii Research ID1140282266744443776
